Audio Course "The Manual" - 2Atoms

Audio Course "The Manual"

  • $29.00
!בלבד -1 נותרו



"The Manual" is the path of practical knowledge. 
Something you can actually do. 

The final version of this course is the result of a collaboration between a psychotherapist Lucy Mikaelian and a healer Eyal Schwartz. We joined our forces to give you "The Manual" as it is. We believe that this is essential for every person needing to navigate in an unknown environment that is constantly changing much faster than humans evolve.

It will show you the way you can improve your skills in everything you do:

— compassion towards your beloved wife or husband
— listening to your parents talk without judging them
— assistance to another human in need
— eating what your body needs
— dealing with your emotions and negative thoughts
— making love
— asking

It's been designed for people like you, taking one little step at a time.

I value your time, thus «Manual» is very short and compressed: a bit like condensed milk. It can sweeten many cups of coffee, but you need a little bit every time you drink.

But keep in mind: studying a short online course is not going to take you far. It is going to happen through ongoing practice. In order to implement the knowledge you'll have to talk differently, think less, do more, enjoy intimacy in sex. 

In general you'll accept the process of Life.

The course contains 8 blocks: 

  • ​CHANGE: 
    There is something inside each one of us that we would like to get rid of, or in other words change into something else. Whether you are angry or melancholic, whether you are anxious or even hysterical, you want to change it into calmness happiness and relaxation. This lesson which teach you the basics of how to bring about a change.

    So many times we use the word emotion or feeling. Do we really know what we're talking about or is it just an attempt to share something we are going through? In this lesson about emotions we describe what is actually happening in the body, and the sensations that lead us or mislead us to believe that we have a certain emotion. Once you'll get an understanding of how your mind and body works, it is much easier to deal with negative emotions and create positive ones.

    this lesson is a bit tricky because not all of us agree that we can manifest things in this world. The intention is the first action or a wish to do or to be something. Through this lesson we would try to give you the basic understanding of how to set an intention. Learning this skill is crucial. Everything you do with the right intention has high chances to be done successfully.

    The following lesson is very short it's basically an invitation take some time for yourself and by saying that we mean to be present to be alone and to do nothing. Because we are always doing something it may be feeling kind of weird it may cause the anxiety level to rise momentarily. We are doing it Lucy and myself for many years now, so we're confident you can do it too

  • ​SPACE:
    The final frontier. You are floating in it. Roaming towards an unknown destination. In this lesson we would dive into the self, discuss the inner space which it is I did similar to this face outside of us. It is very important to practice traveling within your own space. We have so many things we are dealing with at the same time and you need to start putting order and prioritize what it is we are doing and how do we navigate on our way to distant destinations.

  • ​SEX:
    Let's talk about sex. Why not. If not now when? It's so hard. And yet very much needed. It's making me blush but also excited. Without further introduction you'll invited to start listening. BTW you may want to connect your headset, just in case somebody else is walking around the house and may listen

    This chapter is also about sex but you have to go through the previous chapter baby exercises otherwise you would not benefit from this chapter. The main idea is the first get used to the idea that you can and you will change your opinion about yourself as a lover. As soon as that happens you are ready to start communicating about it where is your sex partner. This lesson when prepare you for a conversation by giving you tips how to approach the subject in a gentle way.

  • ​FOLLOW:
    The main idea of the manual is to follow the guidelines and the tapes inside it. It's simple and yet we tend to be procrastinating on the very same thing we want most. In this chapter we would go through old Mills things you can do to help you stay disciplined and exercise on a regular basis. There would be an option to communicate with the book author and get a response through our website. Our vision is to grow a community of open minded people sharing practical knowledge and assisting each other emotionally and materially.


If you are not, then this course is not for you. But if you wish to change, if you thirsty for change, if you know what needs to be changed we would like to assist you with that.

The idea of change is discussed in the first lesson of this manual. It was written three years ago, and it's now ready to be launched. Exactly on time. 
This is the audio-course which will take you through subjects that really matters in your life. From which workplace to choose, to how you relate to the other gender in relationship. From meditation and how to integrate it into your daily life to how to spend your next vacation in an interesting relaxing way.

If you ask yourself why should I take this course and spend time listening and following the instructions you're already engaged. In times like this when we are isolated from the world and being forced to stay at home we are still connected online we are also connected in other ways the three are yet to find.